Thursday, December 27, 2012

Snowflakes for the Children of Sandy Hook.

Last Saturday night we made snowflakes for Sandy Hook Elementary.  The children of Sandy Hook will be starting school at a new, empty school after the break and the Conneticut PTSA launched a call for snowflakes to fill the school.  eve-N-odd thought we could help with this project.  We did not have a huge turnout but those who came out worked hard and made some beautiful snowflakes.  Others have brought some beautiful pieces since.  I look forward to sending them to the new school this week.

SNOWFLAKE PROJECT for SANDY HOOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL was launched by the Conneticut PTSA today, for anyone who would like to take part:

"Snowflakes for Sandy Hook - Please help the students of Sandy Hook have a winter wonderland at their new school! Get Creative!! No two snowflakes are alike. Make and send snowflakes to Connecticut PTSA, 60 Connolly Parkway, Building 12, Suite 103, Hamden, CT 06514, by January 12, 2013."

photo by Velva Lee Heraty